CSS - Cascading Style Sheet Introduction by TECH grovestudies

CSS by TECH Grovestudies

TECH Grovestudies 

CSS - Cascading Style Sheet 

CSS is a language which is used to create or style a web page. 

Contents : \

Background properties 
Color property 
Border Property 
Box Model 


CSS - Cascading style Sheet 
If HTML is the structure of web page then we use CSS to give look and feel of the web page. 
It is the language to make website look presentable and beautiful 
Design to make style for web. 

Breaking the CSS - 
    Cascading - Falling of Styles 
    Style : Adding design / styling to HTML tags 
    Sheets :  Writing our style in different documents 


  • 1994 : First proposed by Hakon Wium Lie on 10th October. 
  • 1996 : CSS become official (Published in December ) 
  • 1997 : Created level 2 
  • 1998 : Published on 12th May 

CSS Editors 

Espresso ( MAC user) 
Notepad ++ ( good for Html or CSS) 
Komodo edit 
Sublime Text 
Visual Studio Code  ( using)

Basic Structure 

Selectors  { 
                Property 1 :  value; 
                Property 2 : value ;
                Property 3 : value ;
  • Selectors - select the element you want to target 
  • There few basic tags like  , id's and classes 
  • All forms this key - value pair 
  • Keys : Properties (attributes ) like color,  font-size , background, width, height , etc. 
  • Value - values associated with these properties 
  • always remains whether we apply internal or external styling. 


  • Comments don't render on the browser 
  • Helps to understand our code better and make it readable 
  • Helps to debugging our code 
  •  Two ways to comments 
    • Single line 
    • Multiple line

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